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What is the Cause of a Narcissist?


Narcissism is a term that is often thrown around to describe a self-absorbed person.  In this age of selfies and social media, it seems as if there is an entire generation of narcissists being created! 


Narcissism is so much more than being self-centred and at the centre is usually someone who is the complete opposite and has low self-esteem.


What causes narcissism, are people just born that way? 


It is hard to pinpoint exactly what causes it, but scientists and researchers agree that childhood trauma, environmental factors and genetics all play a role in developing a narcissistic personality.


The Developing Brain as a Child


Research has shown that childhood trauma such as physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse can be directly linked to a child developing into a narcissist. 


In childhood, the brain is developing and learning interpersonal skills.  When a child is neglected or there are interruptions in healthy and uncompromised development, they learn to mentally adapt to self-preservation. 


Their childhood is usually full of extremes, either too much or too little from one parent or both.  It can be neglect or excessive praise and attention.


 While two extremes, both home environments can lead a child to narcissistic tendencies.


Childhood Trauma​​


The number one cause of narcissism is experiencing childhood trauma such as severe abuse or neglect.  When a child is ignored or don’t have their needs met by one or both parents, they develop feelings that they are not good enough or that no one cares about them. 




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Mary T Aaron.



mobile: +44 07539738191

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